


  曹秀菁,女,19725月生,博士,教授,博士生导师,加拿大精神病流行病学学会(Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology,CAPE)会员,教育部学位中心评审专家。1998年获安徽医科大学流行病学硕士学位,2008年获中国科学技术大学神经生物学博士学位,20107月~20119月加拿大Mcgill大学Psychosocial Division 博士后,20189月~201912月加拿大Mcgill大学Douglas医院精神病流行病学实验室访问学者。目前主要从事精神、神经疾病流行病学及生命早期不良经历(如早期留守经历)对青少年及成年期身心健康的影响及其中介因素研究。主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省高校自然科学基金重大项目、安徽省高校自然科学基金、安徽省高校青年基金、安徽医科大学博士基金、省级质量工程教学研究重点项目等多项科研及教学项目。以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文六十余篇,其中SCI论文二十余篇。参编人民卫生出版社《妇幼卫生管理学》第2版、《预防保健学》第2、3、4版及《公共卫生学概论》等多部规划教材。担任《中华疾病控制杂志》编委和《中国学校卫生杂志》审稿专家,担任安徽省环境诱变剂学会常务理事及安徽省预防医学会、安徽省神经科学学会理事。


2003.3–2008.7, 中国科学技术大学, 神经生物学, 博士

1995.9–1998.7, 安徽医科大学, 流行病学, 硕士

1990.9–1995.7, 安徽医科大学, 预防医学, 学士


2018.9-2019.12, Psychiatric Epidemiology, Mcgill University, Canada,访问学者

2010.7-2011.9, Psychosocial Division, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Mcgill University, Canada,博士后

2010.11-至今, 安徽医科大学, 365下注平台, 教授

2005.9-2010.11, 安徽医科大学, 365下注平台, 副教授

2001.7-2005.9, 安徽医科大学, 365下注平台, 讲师

1998.7-2001.7, 安徽医科大学, 365下注平台, 助教


(1) Yu Banglin, Liu Wei, Li Juan, Huang Shenghai, Cao Xiujing*.The effect of left-behind experience and self-esteem on aggressive behavior in young adults in China: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,2022,37(3-4):1049-1075

(2Wei Liu, Juan Li, Yixuan Huang, Banglin Yu, Ruofang Qin, Xiujing Cao*,The relationship between left-behind experience and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in college students in China: the mediation effect of self-esteem. Psychology, Health & Medicine,2021,26(5):644-655

(3) Cao Xiujing*, Huang Yixuan, Zhu Ping, Zhang Zhigang. The impacts of maternal separation experience and its pattern on depression and dysfunctional attitude in middle school students in rural China. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2020, 66(2):188-197.

(4) Zhao Rui, Xu Liang, Wu Minglei, Cao Xiujing*.Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain influence birth weight, Women and Birth, 2018, 31: e20-e25

(5) Cao Xiujing*,Huang Shenghai, Cao Jiejie, Chen Tingting, Su Puyu, Ruan Diyun. The timing of maternal separation affects Morris Water Maze Performance and long-term potentiation in male rats, Developmental Psychobiology, 2014.7, 56(5): 1102-1109

(6) Xiujing Cao, David P. Laplante, Alain Brunet, Antonio Cimampi, Suzanne King.Prenatal maternal stress affects motor function in 5?-year-old children: Project ice storm, Developmental Psychobiology, 2014.1, 56(1):117-125

(7) Cao Xiujing*,Cao Jiejie, Chen Tingting, Chen Weiheng, Ruan Diyun.Protective effects of omega-3 fish oil on lead-induced impairment of long-term potentiation in rat dentate gyrus in vivo(英文)生理学报.2010, 22(3):225-230.

(8) Xiu-jing Cao, Ming Wang, Wei-heng Chen, Da-miao Zhu, Jia-qi She, Di-yun Ruan. Effects of chronic administration of melatonin on spatial learning ability and long-term potentiation in lead-exposed and control rats. Biomedical and Environmental Science. 2009, 22(1):70-75.

(9)Xiu-Jing Cao, Sheng-Hai Huang, Ming Wang, Ju-Tao Chen, Di-Yun Ruan.S-adenosyl-L-methionine improves impaired hippocampal long-term potentiation andwater maze performance induced by developmental lead exposure in rats, European Journal of Pharmacology, 2008, 595(1-3): 30-34.

(10) Xiu-jing Cao, Shenghai Huang, Diyun Ruan*. Enriched environment restores impaired hippocampal long-term potentiation and water maze performance induced by developmental lead exposure in rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 2008 ,50(3):307-313.

(11) Kelsey Needham Dancause, Xiu Jing Cao, Franz Veru, Susan Xu, Hong Long, Chunbo Yu, David P. Laplante, Claire Dominique Walker, Suzanne King. Brief Communication: Prenatal and Early Postnatal Stress Exposure Influences Long Bone Length in Adult Rat Offspring,American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2012, 149(6), 307-311.

  • 1 北京大学365下注平台
  • 2 清华大学365下注平台
  • 3 北京协和医学院365下注平台
  • 4 天津医科大学365下注平台
  • 5 山西医科大学365下注平台
  • 6 吉林大学365下注平台